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H1-B Visa Denial Rates On the Rise

Between 2009 to 2015 fiscal years, H1-B visa denial rates maintained stability by staying below 6%. Upon the coming in of President Trump in November 2016, however, things changed. The ...

  • May 28th, 2020
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US Govt. Urges Court Not to Block Work Permit Privilege for H1-B Holders’ Spouses

The United States' government has, through the Department of Homeland Security, insisted that certain classes of spouses of H-1B holders shouldn't be denied the opportunity to work in a suit ...

  • May 21st, 2020
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US Gives H1B Visa Holders and Applicants 60-Day Grace to Respond to Notices

The United States' Customs and Immigration Service has declared its intention to grant a 60 days' relief window within which H-1B visa holders and green card applicants can respond to ...

  • May 7th, 2020
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Temporary suspension of premium H1B Visa Processing

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced that it is temporarily suspending all in-person local offices' activities until April 1, including permanent residence interviews, biometric prior arrangements, ...

  • March 26th, 2020
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Indian Prime Minister, Modi urges Trump to review H-1B visa changes

During US President Donald J. Trump's official visit to India, PM Narendra Modi subtly and indirectly nudged Trump to cease making changes to the H1B visa program. The Indian Prime ...

  • March 10th, 2020
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H1-B Denials Slow Down As Lawsuits Go on the Rise

The USCIS is denying fewer H1-B visas as it witnesses a step-up in visa denial lawsuit rates, immigration attorneys have noted. This comes on the heels of an increase in ...

  • March 4th, 2020
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