H1B Visas for Positions in Nonprofit Organizations

For many applicants, the H1B visa annual cap is the greatest hurdle to overcome in obtaining this much sought after work visa.  Because each year the number of visas awarded is capped at 65,000 (plus 20,000 for master’s degree and higher applicants), the USCIS uses a largely unknown lottery process to fill the quota.  The remaining applicants are turned down, regardless of skills or work experience.

The Non-profit Cap Exempt H1B Visa

However, there are several categories of ‘cap-exempt’ H1B visas, and one of those is for positions in non-profit organizations.  This exemption is not for every type of non-profit, and is specifically limited to ”non-profits associated with a government organization or higher education institution”.

This definition is not as narrow as it sounds, since non-profit H1B sponsors can be a branch or subsidiary of a primary institution such as a college or university.  What that means is that a hospital that is affiliated with a university is a valid H1B visa sponsor.  The applicant still has to demonstrate that they are seeking a ‘specialty occupation’ with a directly related educational degree, so this will not for positions such as security guards, housekeeping or other unspecialized work.

Possible Avenue for Tech Workers That Miss the Annual Quota

Nonetheless, the non-profit institution exemption is one that should be explored by potential applicants since the number of annual visas issued is unlimited.  For example, a computer programmer sponsored by a tech company would be subject to the cap, but a similar IT position in a non-profit is cap-exempt.  

This would be true for many occupations since there is duplication of needed skills in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors.  Examples could include accounting, scientific training, nursing and engineering.  In some cases, the non-profit job may differ such as teaching computer skills rather than applying them at an IT company.

Non-profit Sponsor Petition as Back-up Plan to the Lottery

One approach could be to find an IT or other company sponsor (if that is what you want), and apply for the visa in the lottery system.  If you don’t make the quota, then a subsequent petition could be filed by a non-profit sponsor who may be interested in offering you a job.  The reason that this is possible is because cap-exempt petitions can be filed at any time during the year and are not subject to the time frame of the April filing deadline and lottery.  As long as you meet the H1B visa qualifications, you will receive the visa and can begin work.

This two-step strategy will have to implemented one petition at a time, with the company sponsor filing first for the April lottery.  However, the applicant could be spending their time researching and contacting non-profit sponsors while the waiting for the outcome on the first position.  Even if there is an open position, you can inform the non-profit you are entertaining other offers before you decide to accept and start the H1B visa process.   There is no reason or obligation to inform the non-profit of your existing H1B visa petition, and if it comes through you may simply decline any job offer.

All of this assumes that you’re either applying from your home country, or have another type of valid visa in the US such as an F-1 for students.

Government organizations that engage in research have a similar exemption, and could offer a much easier avenue toward obtaining an H1B visa.  Some might argue that the pay scales in non-profit and government institutions is lower, but the H1B visa rules require that compensation is equivalent to other similar positions.  

In any event, the non-profit position would be better than none at all for a year until the next lottery.  Also, these jobs are less likely to be subject to the “benching” problem that plagues foreign workers in the IT industry, and other abuses of the program by so called “consulting” firms that take advantage of foreign workers.

If you have questions about cap-exempt positions in the H1B visa program, or how the lottery system may be limiting your chances, please contact us.

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  • October 26th, 2016
  • 43

43 thoughts on “H1B Visas for Positions in Nonprofit Organizations”

  1. hi….
    i am partha bhattacharjee from Bangladesh I want to apply for h1b visa. right now i am studying llb honars. so how can i go to usa under h1b visa..

  2. Hey..Thanks for the explanation.. that’s helpful in understanding the h1b in non-profit.

    I have a question. If a person working for non-profit on h1b wants to move to a for-profit company after 2 years, can the person do a h1b transfer.

    Also I am assuming a person working for non-profit could get a green card if sponsored by the non-profit; and once they get the green card, they can chose to work for any company they are interested in? Is that right or isn’t that possible?

  3. But I have heard that once you have a cap exempt H1B and later if you want to switch to an any cap exempt H1B company then you need to enter the lottery again. Is my understanding right?

  4. Hey i am current working in USA on media (non immigrant)visa,i want to apply for non profit cap exempt h1b visa .I need more guidelines like which organization do i can approach.tnx.

  5. Please I am a researcher in a non-profit organization and and the organization would like me to come to US to open a branch.
    We have had our certificate of Authority from the US.
    At first L1B visa type was what I thought would be necessary but after reading this page about HB1, I am kinda confused as to which will be appropriate for me
    Hope to hearing from u ASAP

  6. Do you need to have a minimum salary of $60,000, if you are filing H1B from a non-profit research university?

  7. Hi, I studied masters in Healthcare management and I am currently doing my PMBA. I am interested in the h1b Visa for positions in non-profit organizations but I don’t know where to look. Is there a way you cn help?

  8. I am on F-1 visa currently and working with a non-profit organization. I would like to go through an annual cap h1b lottery rather than cap-exempt, is it possible being in a non-profit organization?

  9. I am inquiring if one gets selected for a H1B visa at non profit, could after six months or a year that person change to a H1B visa with a profit company??

  10. i hold 1st degree in marketing ,from Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science And Technology, Kumasi.i have work USAID/DFIT HIV/AIDS Programmes while at Ghana Social Marketing Foundation (GSMF International)

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